Stay Safe at the Beach
The beach is New Zealand's favourite playground, but it can also be a dangerous place. Learning about the risks and preparing yourself will mean you and your family can enjoy the sun, sea and sand and return home safely. We know preventative measures save lives.
Beach Safety Messages
The real tragedy behind every fatal drowning is that most, if not all, were preventable. Understanding and following our beach safety messages saves lives. Get to know them, follow and share them with your family and friends. We want you home safe after a day at the beach!
Beach Hazards
Rips, tides, certain waves and holes are some of the major hazards on New Zealand’s beaches. Do you know how to spot them and what to do to keep yourself safe at the beach?
Beach & Coastal Safety
Even though our volunteer Surf Lifeguards save thousands of lives and keep thousands safe on the beach each year, for an island nation, our fatal drowning statistics are appalling. Over the last 10 years, our fatal drowning rate has been 70% higher than Australia’s (per capita)! To find out more, you need to read our National Beach & Coastal Safety Report.
BEACH & COASTAL SAFETYRecreational Water Activities
Kayaking, Stand-Up Paddle boarding, Surfing, Rock Fishing . . . whatever takes your fancy, make sure you make it back home safe after a day at the beach.

Event Safety
Need professional water safety for your event? Part of the Event Water Safety service we provide includes developing robust event safety plans with event organisers/race directors and ensuring the safety-plan is implemented at the event.
Surf Education
As an island nation with terrible fatal drowning statistics, we need to empower and educate our children and young people on how to stay safe at the beach. Our Surf Education offering for schools is a great way to introduce them to the open water beach environment and build their confidence in the sea so they can safely enjoy New Zealand's favourite playground.
The best online source to prepare you for heading into New Zealand's great outdoors, linking you to important resources and information that you need to know before you go out on foot, into the snow or into the water.